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Corey Rathe is a Project Manager for the ImmunoX Office of Collaborative Research. She currently oversees the CoProjects program conducted through ImmunoX and the UCSF CoLabs. She holds an M.S. in Global Health from Georgetown University concentrated on Maternal, Child, and Reproductive Health and a dual B.A. from Washington State University in Medical Anthropology and French. Her interests remain within the maternal, child, reproductive health sphere and the promotion of health equity. She first joined UCSF as a Research Study Coordinator with the Malaria Elimination Initiative where she managed the USAID portfolio. Prior to UCSF, she was as an epidemiologist and contributed to COVID-19 initiatives on the US-Mexico border.
University of California, San Francisco
513 Parnassus Avenue,
Medical Sciences Building, S-447
San Francisco, CA 94143